Scaling is the process of replacing the unknown value components with the available known one while designing the analog circuit. All the values of components in the analog filter circuit is not available. Therefore, scaling is generally used so that we can have a new value for the various components in the filter network.
One of the important types of scaling is the frequency scaling. It is generally used to change or scale the frequency of the available components without affecting the magnitude of the impedance present in the particular analog circuit.
The important factors used in the frequency scaling are new corner frequency, old corner frequency, frequency scaling factor and so on. The frequency scaling factor plays an important role in the scaling. If the frequency scaling factor is greater than one; the expansion scaling is carried out.
In other words, if the frequency scaling factor is greater than one; the frequency of the component is increased up. Whereas, if the frequency scaling factor is lesser than one; the compression scaling (frequency is decreased) is carried out.
Frequency Transformation
It is defined as the process where the low pass filters are transformed into other types of filter. There is a huge importance of frequency transformation in the electronic filter design because the low pass filter (of any prototype) of any types of approximation can be transformed into other filter types. The low pass filter can be converted into the high pass, band pass, band reject and other types of the filter with the same characteristics and functions.The frequency transformation is generally carried out to solve or address different issues related to the network elements, network functions, magnitude characteristics, poles, zeroes, etc. It is also used to solve various problems regarding the effects on the network elements and functions.
Resistance Capacitor - Capacitor Resistance Transformation
One of the important types of frequency transformation used in the analog filter design is the resistance capacitor - capacitor resistance transformation. In this type of network, various network elements like resistance, capacitor and dimensionless controlled sources (current and voltage) are used to transform various active filters. These types of frequency transformation are also used in active filter applications to convert a low pass filter into a high pass filter.The same process is also used to convert high pass filters into the low pass filters. The resistance capacitor - capacitor resistance transformation is also used to convert a bandpass filter into another bandpass filter within the same characteristics easily.
Frequency Dependent Negative Resistances
It is one of the important resistance elements used in the analog filter design. It is also used in various frequency transformations.The frequency dependent negative resistance is the negative types of resistance which is totally dependent upon various frequencies band while designing or realizing different electronic filters.
Here, the impedance used in the network function is negative. The value for such impedance varies with the frequency applied to the network. The stimulated impedance is also a real function.