Success is the accomplishment of your set goals and objectives. The definition of success varies from person to person. Everyone has set some particular vision and aim in their mindset and when they achieve it, they define it as a success.
It is an abstract term that is difficult to measure and weigh with each person's success. Everyone having set objectives fulfilled has its own success and it cannot be compared with none. Success is, therefore, the mindset of your particular dream is achieved.
For instance, success and its definition vary from person to person. For some- success is measured in terms of divine bodhi and enlightenment, for some in monetary value, etc. So each of us gets self-satisfaction when we achieve our goals and we define it as a success.
Success can be achieved through hard work and dedication to the work we do. Success does not come to your door but you have to earn it. What leads you to success? Passion, service, focus, ideas, and hard work lead you to success.
It is always achieved by your thoughts, not your brain. You get success when you move forward and ask for an answer to what you want in your life. The strongest factor for success is the belief in yourself and your talent.
Success is for those who believe that even there comes a hurdle or obstacle in life you will never stop and get disappointed with your capabilities. Understanding failure and experiencing those failures will make you strong and sharpen your capabilities even more. Those who fall and stand up know what it is to fall and what it is to stand up and move.
Failure and success are a two-part of the same coin. All you need in life is confidence in yourself. Success is not the key to contentment but contentment is the key to success. If you love what you are doing then you are successful and satisfied.