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10 Natural Ways to Cure Common Cold


Natural Home Treatment of Common Cold 

It is the most common disease found all over the world. It is the non-serious disease. But, a neglecting common cold disease may lead to cause other problems like sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. The common cold is caused by the rhinovirus. We suffer from the common cold when our body is exposed in wet and cold. Another important factor is climate change. During the climate change, lots of people suffer from this disease.

Another fact about the common cold is that it is the communicable disease i.e. it is transmitted from one body to another or from one person to other. The disease may transmit via direct contact, coughing, sneezing, using patient's clothes and belongings.

Health Tips to prevent from getting Common cold

1. Use Vitamin C. The Vitamin C is the safest, most effective and essential nutrient for humans. It is the most familiar of all the nutrients. It gives protection against immune system deficiencies. Some of the examples of Vitamin C are Orange juice, Red cabbage, tomato juice, green pepper, cantaloupe, etc.

Use of Vitamin C while suffering from the common cold can reduce the risk of lung infections and pneumonia.

We have to be aware that the use of Vitamin C does not reduce the risk of the common cold but in fact, it reduces its duration. Hence, Vitamin C supplements are preferred.

2. While coughing and sneezing, we should cover our nose and mouth because it reduces the risk of transmitting the common cold virus. Always sneeze and cough into tissues paper. And throw it on the dustbin. We have to avoid touching our nose or mouth when we are near an infected person. Later, we have to wash our face properly.

3. Drink fennel tea or chamomile tea daily. It is so because fennel tea has natural anti-viral properties. Similarly, chamomile tea has excellent antihistamine properties. Therefore, have a habit of drinking fennel tea or chamomile tea.

4. During climate change, we used to give proper care to clothes. On winter, use warm clothes because exposure to the body in cold may suffer common cold disease. Do not bath in cold water during winter days.

5. Use of ginger and garlic is very good for health. Say a big NO to Smoking because it irritates the airways.

6. Always drink safe and pure water. Drinking impure water may cause various diseases including common cold too. Drink warm water when you suffer from common cold. Also, avoid fridge items when you are suffering from the common cold.

7. Drink enough liquids and water while suffering from common cold.

Use of steam inhalation is very much effective as it reduces cold symptoms.

Gargling with warm salt water is the best solution for the common cold.

8. Have a properly balanced diet and sound sleep. Not eating a balanced diet and lack of sleep may cause the common cold. Have a stress free life. It is a medical fact that having too much stress in our life will reduce our immune systems. If our immune systems are weak then there is absolutely a higher chance to catch a cold.

9. The physical measures like face masks and hand washing may reduce the chances of spreading the common cold.

10. The use of chicken soup is very effective to treat the common cold.

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