Before or after doing good and bad deeds, people often talk or state about Karma. What is Karma? How do we define Karma? Well, it is a Sanskrit term that defines an action or doing. It is the result of a person's actions or deeds as well as the actions themselves. What goes around comes around is the Karma i.e. it deals with the cycle of cause and effect.
Karma is also defined as the fundamental of causality when actions or deeds of a person influence the coming of that individual. Every action has an equal reaction. Therefore, we often say what goes around comes around when people hurt us or does something bad to us. All the false deeds people do to others will surely be done to them. When you do bad/good things to others it always comes back to you in the same fashion proving that every action has an equal reaction.
The Real Meaning of Karma
It simply states what goes around comes around. The results of deeds and actions that a person does today will someday have an effect on the person for sure.Life is a circle. Life is a never-ending process. Whatever you do today the same result you will be facing tomorrow. The results of one's action will have to be dealt with eventually. Throw all the negative vibes from your mind and body.
For an example, whatever you do in this life to other people the same will return to you. If you do the good action, good results will come. Similarly, if you do bad deeds same will be the result. Whatever result you expect in future is in your hand. The decisions we make today will someday come back to our life. However, you perform in your life, the same will come back to you. So, always do right action and deeds in your life. As a result, you will see good outcomes.
Defining Karma in Buddhism
In Buddhism, the term Karma is defined in two levels (general and specific). On the general level, the word karma defines the overall process of karmic action/deeds and result. The karmic action means the action that is brought upon oneself inevitable results whether it is good or bad. The karmic action is either seen in this life or in a reincarnation. It defines the total effect of a person's deeds during the various stages of a person's existence.On the specific level, the term karma defines the actions which spring with the intention of a sentient being. In Buddhism, karma is similar to a seed that will surely ripen into a result. The theory of karmic action and result is a central belief within the Buddhist tradition. Karma is a fruit of one's actions.
According to the Buddha, karmic results are not considered to be a judgment imposed by a God; these results are considered to be the outcome of a natural process. Also, he mentioned that the relationship between a single action and its results is dependent upon a nearly infinite number of subsidiary causes and conditions.