When parts of the body (for an example, toes, and fingers) start to freeze causing injury, frostbite occurs. It happens in the extremely cold environment. It does not happen in a warm environment. During frostbite, heat from our body escapes and then the blood vessels start to close. Who is more likely to suffer from frostbite? The Mountaineers and skewers are more likely to suffer from frostbite.
During frostbite, the affected toes or fingers become extremely pale and frozen.
At first, the frozen parts seems yellow-white in color and the color changes to brown-black burn later. The injured person loses consciousness.
First Aid Treatment for Frostbite
1. The injured frozen person should be kept in a warm place, away from the extremely cold environment. After that, we should warm the frozen part gently without rubbing.2. The frozen part should be warm gently by applying direct heat such as fire. It will not let the frozen part being permanently damaged. Avoid bursting any blisters. We should apply a light dressing.
3. If the feet of the person is injured, we should carry him or her to the warm place or surroundings. The warm or hot water is the ultimate solution when the color of the affected skin doesn't return to normal. We should keep the affected part in the warm water for a while.
4. After the injured person returns to normal, we should give him/her a cup of hot tea/coffee/water. It makes the victim warm.
How do you define high altitude sickness? It is the mountain sickness which is caused by reduced air pressure & lower oxygen levels at high altitudes. The high altitude sickness is the sickness which is occurred when we can't get enough oxygen from the air at the high altitudes region. When the altitude increases from the sea level, the oxygen level also goes down gradually. As a result, there is a rise in pulse rate and blood pressure. Who is more likely to suffer from high altitude sickness? People who climb the mountains for the first time are more likely to suffer from high altitude sickness.
During high altitude sickness, the various symptoms like a headache, vomiting, laziness, weakness, insomnia, muscular pain, high pulse rate, and respiratory problems occur.
First Aid Treatment for High Altitude Sickness
1. We should provide oxygen (supplying oxygen from the oxygen tank is more effective) to a person suffering from the high altitude sickness.2. The mountain sickness is caused by the high altitudes region. Therefore, we should carry the victim to the low altitude region. It is so because, at the high altitudes, there is less amount of oxygen in the air that we breathe. Proper rest is needed to the affected person.
3. We should provide hot drinks to the victim if possible. Hot drinks like hot milk, tea or coffee is very good for health. Performing light exercise will be beneficial to the victim. Avoid hard and rough exercise.